My name is Artarelia Uliarti

who managed to lose 10.2 Kg in one month and this is the story of my diet journey.

When I graduated from high school in 2012, my weight was still at 54 kg. Then, I started feeling overweight from around 2014, when my weight increased to 60 kg. It kept going up, and by 2018, I was already at 70 kg. It continued to rise, and at its peak in 2021, I reached 85 kg. I felt my weight increased drastically because of the Covid pandemic. During the nearly two years of the pandemic, I rarely went out, didn’t do anything, just stayed at home and snacked a lot, which caused me to gain more weight. My heaviest weight peaked at 85 kg in 2021.

I never got bullied for being overweight. But, I started dieting because I just felt uncomfortable with my own body. Being overweight made it difficult for me to choose and wear clothes. The clothes I had started to feel tight, and it became very difficult to find clothes that fit. Additionally, I felt less confident. I started withdrawing, and my confidence decreased. I became reluctant to meet people, especially in social gatherings or weddings.

I had tried several times to start dieting by eating less, but it was hard to stay consistent, until one day I had GERD, so I couldn’t just cut down on food randomly. I tried several diets and always failed. The most extreme diet I tried was OCD (Obsessive Corbuzier’s Diet). I ate only once a day and drank only water. I did this for two weeks and managed to lose 5 kg. But during that diet, I felt very tortured and decided to stop the extreme diet.

Until I found Flimty which can help me to lose weight without feeling suffer. I can lose around 10.2 Kg in one month. To be honest guys, As long as I’m on a diet with Flimty the biggest part that I can feel the difference is my stomach. My stomach is not that bloated anymore. I can lose weight up to 10 Kg and my waist circumference decreases by 10 Cm. When I have been on a diet for 7 days, I have pants that don’t fit me anymore, I can’t zip it. After a 30 days diet, I can fit into these pants and I can zip my pants. The part that I can feel the difference is here on my back fat. It’s getting smaller and not as big as before. After 7 days consuming Flimty which I routinely drink Flimty 2 times a day. I can feel my stomach more comfortable, flatter and my body feels lighter.

*Disclaimer: This is my personal experience; Flimty helps them to lose weight together with healthy food and healthy lifestyle. Results may vary for each person.

*Disclaimer: This is my personal experience; Flimty helps them to lose weight together with healthy food and healthy lifestyle. Results may vary for each person.

Tombol Brand Outline

Flimty is proud to be part of their diet stories.
With Flimty, radiate confidence and showcase the healthier side of your life.

How flimty works in our body

Tombol Brand Outline

Flimty is commited to perfoming essential procedures, such as routine lab tests, before reaching the hands of customers.

With high quality fiber and using Stevia (0 sugar) Flimty is effective for digestive health and dieting.

Flimty is committed to performing essential procedures, such as routine lab tests, before reaching the hands of customers.

Tombol Brand Outline